Most meetings are currently online using the Zoom conferencing system. Please use the following details to join a meeting.
Regular monthly meetings are held at 7.30 pm on the second Wednesday each month.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 5852 4311
Passcode: 761856
One tap mobile
+443300885830,,88358524311#,,,,761856# United Kingdom +441314601196,,88358524311#,,,,761856# United Kingdom
Dial by phone if you cannot use computer, smartphone or tablet:
0330 088 5830 United Kingdom
Meeting ID: 883 5852 4311
Passcode: 761856
Find your local number:
If you need advice on joining an online meeting, please call Martin Brampton on 01653 487048 or 07771 787010.
What is happening about May 2022 elections?