Donate to the local Green Party
Thirsk and Malton Green Party
Sort code 82-11-07 and account number 60429769
Donations are much appreciated, and if you are able to help, please make a bank transfer or use the card acceptance below. It also helps if you can send a note to the treasurer, so that he can track the donation and also thank you.
Normally the local party receives a portion of the subscriptions of members living in the Thirsk and Malton constituency. Unfortunately, those payments have been cancelled for two years because the national party is short of money. On an every day basis, running costs are minimal. But when elections come round costs are higher.
The most expensive is a general election. To put up a candidate for parliament, we have to pay a £500 deposit. It is returned if we gain at least 5% of the total vote. Unfortunately, so far we have not reached this point, so the deposit is a cost.
In a general election, each candidate is provided with free distribution of one leaflet by Royal Mail. The party has to bear the expense of creating, printing and delivering the leaflets to Royal Mail depots. In the 2019 election, the cost was £560. We think this is worth doing, as it gets to every household. We can’t currently do that with volunteer deliveries.
For all elections, we usually print some locally designed leaflets. The design work has usually been done voluntarily, but we have to pay the printer. Costs can vary and, in local elections, obviously depend on how many candidates we can field.
The money received from members’ subscriptions is not enough to fund all the election expenses. So we depend on the kindness of members to make additional donations to cover the difference.

Donation by Credit/Debit Card
The Green Party of England & Wales also always welcomes donations. The party does not have the kind of corporate donations the Conservatives receive, or the support of trade unions. If you would like to donate to the national party, please click on this link.