Service station close to Thirsk

Members at yesterday’s meeting of the consituency party were very concerned by a planning application for a service area close to Thirsk. We encourage members in the Hambleton District to consider opposing this application. Local members, and Thirsk Friends of the Earth have been resisting the application, and the FoE stance was described in the Northern Echo at–says-friends-earth/

There are objections on economic and environmental grounds, and many of them have been lodged with Hambleton Council, the planning authority. You can find an outline of the Thirsk Friends of the Earth concerns on their web site at

For more detailed information, David Tonge, FoE local group coordinator, has compiled all the relevant documents at!AijEAIPPC7xYqSX8jRtr4HTT-i5f?e=RATkAD. Please look in particular at David’s objections by going into the “Objections” folder and viewing the file “Objection DT-main comments.pdf”. They are also available through the Hambleton planning portal.

Members are encouraged to cooperate with David in opposing the development. He can be contacted at or by phone at 07775 371244.